NoLoad® Computational Storage Processor
Eideticom is a leader in the development of Computational Storage solutions for data center storage and compute. When compared to conventional approaches, Eideticom's NoLoad technology ensures our cloud and enterprise customers experience breakthrough levels of networked storage efficiency. NoLoad Computational Storage solutions solves the limitations of CPU-centric computing for storage and compute-intensive workloads.
NoLoad - Key Features
CPU Offload
Supercharged Application Performance, with dramatically improved Quality of Service (QoS)
Field Programmable Solutions that enable Scalable Compute Architectures
Reduced Storage Cost
Lower Power, Increased Storage Capacity, Reduced Server Count, Maximized NAND Lifetime
Peer to Peer (P2P)
Reduces data movement, improves cost, performance and latency
Disaggregating Compute and Storage into Independently Scalable Resources
NoLoad Accelerators can be shared across the data center
using NVMe-oF
Hardware (Partner)
Eideticom’s NoLoad is in production and shipping on a range of different form factors from our hardware partners BittWare and Xilinx/AMD e.g. U.2, Add-in-Card (AIC), EDSFF. Eideticom’s NoLoad can be deployed on customer-specific hardware platforms, and our NoLoad IP is also available for licensing.